Sunday, March 3, 2013

Welcome to my world...

I have never been one who overflowed with confidence, thought I was beautiful or even talented.  I truly thought that someone, most likely God, had made a mistake!  These feeling of despair most likely stemmed from my childhood which was full of trials and tribulations.  Growing up I struggled a lot with low self-esteem issues, always looking for someone else's validation and reassurance to carry me through.  But a few years ago, I decided to kick off the covers of pain and despair that I was hiding under and begin a journey of self-discovery and self-love.  I was determined to improve the way I saw myself, learn to accept my flaws and make changes for the better.  While it was the exact opposite of easy, after a lot of hard work, tears and restarts, I started to see a the way I looked at myself and the way others looked at me.  

So here I am, still a work in progress, but excited to see what the future holds for me

Last year, I started my own business and will establish another one this year.  Next on the list of things to do...blogging about my business Court's Closet.  As I travel down this new path, I hope you'll come I attempt to answer the address the question: What's...In Court's Closet!

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